Aerial view on mixed forest in autumn colours with clearing in the shape of a heart.

About Us Sustainability

Making and keeping promises

At COP 26, the global community agreed to continue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by 2050. Clearly, this goal of limiting the impact of climate change requires deep and sustained emissions reductions on a global scale. We are motivated to roll-up our sleeves and do our part.

And even though LIFTE H2 is in the business of delivering decarbonization solutions, we fully recognize that running our day-to-day operations has an impact on the environment. So from day one we set a company-wide objective of “zero harm to the environment.” In practice, this means that we continuously measure our corporate emissions, we identify and reduce emission sources, and we offset any remaining environmental impact that we have.

sustainability PROGRESS REPORTS

Click below to view our annual Greenhouse Gas Reports.

Sustainability PARTNERS

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Reforest the Tropics

By partnering with Reforest the Tropics (RTT), we will offset a portion of our emissions by converting land in Costa Rica to a sustainably managed forest. Through RTT’s years of experience, each hectare of land will remove and store an average of +20 tons of CO2 a year over the life of the forest. In addition, these forests will improve biodiversity and ecological health in the region, while creating a sustainable source of income for partner farmers.

Let's move hydrogen forward... together

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